PlaySafe ID for under 18s & parents

Every PlaySafe ID user is a real person who has never been caught cheating, hacking, or being inappropriate to children in any game, ever.

Anyone caught cheating or being abusive to kids is blacklisted forever, and they will never be able to play with another PlaySafe ID user again in any game. This is gaming at its fairest and safest, for everyone.

Gamers under 18:

Enjoy the most fair, fun, and safe time when playing games.

You will only play with and against real people who have never been caught cheating or hacking in games.

No more cheaters, hackers, bots, or unfair games. Just real people playing by the rules.

As a parent:

Your child will only ever play with and against real people who have never been caught being inappropriate to children in any game, ever.

Every PlaySafe ID user over 18 has been KYCed, and under-18 has done an age estimation.

This process ensures every user can only ever get one PlaySafe ID, and bad actors can finally be removed forever.

How to get a PlaySafe ID for under 18s

  • The parent creates a PlaySafeID acount in a few clicks.

    Create your account here or with the button below.

  • The parent then needs to verify their ID. Scan the QR code to start the verification through our partners Veriff. Simply take a photo of a document and take a selfie.

    This is all Veriff need to run the KYC check and verify your identity. None of your details are shared with PlaySafe ID.

  • Once you have verified your own ID, you will be able to add your children.

    By adding your children, you agree that you are adding them honestly.

    Any parent account that falsely adds children will result in their own ID being blacklisted forever, and all associated child accounts being deactivated.

  • Your child will have to do a quick age estimation check. This is as simple as scanning a QR code and taking a selfie.

    This is handled by our partners Veriff, who are giants in the KYC and identity industry, and they do similar checks for Epic, Roblox, and other major games.

    PlaySafe ID do not see or store any of the data used in either the parent's KYC check or the child's age estimation. Our setup with Veriff is known as a zero-knowledge proof, and it's the safest and most secure way to do this.

  • Your child’s PlaySafe ID has been successfully created.

    Now they can log into games that accept PlaySafe and connect their PSID.

    For the first time, they can start playing in the safest, most fair, and most fun gaming environment where bad-actors are removed forever.

A PlaySafe ID ensures your child is the safest they can be while gaming.

Every parent can claim their own PlaySafe ID by verifying their identity. Once you are verified, you can add your children to your account to create their PlaySafe ID.

Any time your child connects to a service that accepts the PlaySafe ID, they will only play games with other real people with a verified PlaySafe ID who have never been caught cheating or being inappropriate towards children, ever.

Bad-actors are removed, and can never contact or play with your child again.

Everyone with a PlaySafe ID has one life. If anyone is abusive, inappropriate, or sexual towards children, then their ID is blacklisted forever. Getting blacklisted removes the ability to ever play with or message anyone with a PlaySafe ID.

The other way to get blacklisted is to use software or hardware to gain an unfair advantage over other players (AKA: cheating). Anyone caught cheating is also blacklisted permanently.

Fair and fun gaming for your child in every PlaySafe protected game.

Child safety isn’t a cool topic for under 18s, which is why we’re proud to keep cheaters and hackers out of games as well.

PlaySafe ID users have never been caught cheating, hacking, or botting in any game - which makes getting your child to use their PlaySafe ID a much easier sell. “Play your games without any cheaters spoiling your fun - and you’re safer which makes me happy”.


  • Your PlaySafe ID is an anonymous and unique ID that is generated when you prove you’re a real person. We work with OnFido who do similar verifications for Roblox, Epic, and other huge names.

    By having a PlaySafe ID you will only be matchmade with other players that have a verified PlaySafe ID, and if you are caught cheating or being inappropriate to children, your ID is marked and you won't be able to play in another PlaySafe Protected game until your penalty is served.

    We believe that the risk of real consequence tied to you as a real person is the best solution to keep people playing within the rules online to keep play fair, fun, and safe for everyone.

  • Anyone with ID:
    Simply create an account, take a picture of a document and take a selfie.

    We then get notified by OnFido if the verification was successful, then we generate your random and anonymous PlaySafe ID.

    Under 18s without a document/ID:
    Your parent will need to create an account with the steps above, and then they can add you as an under-18 user.

  • PlaySafe ID has partnered with OnFido, who are giants in the KYC, identity, and verification industry. They are used by Epic, Roblox, and many other huge names.

    You verify your identity on the PlaySafe ID platform, powered by OnFido. We get told if the verification was successful by OnFido, and if it is, we generate a random and anonymous PlaySafe ID. It is this ID that is used with games and services.

    This process is known as “zero knowledge proof”. PlaySafe ID get to know that you’re real and genuine, but we don’t have to see or store any of your personal info.

  • When you connect your PlaySafe ID with a service, you will only ever play or interact with real people who care about following the rules. It instantly becomes very unlikely that you will encounter cheaters, hackers, trolls, or bots.

    You will only be able to play with and against other verified PlaySafe IDs. Your experience for the first time will only be with and against real people who care about following the rules and not ruining the experience for others.

  • If someone is caught using software or hardware to intentionally gain an unfair advantage over other players, then their PlaySafe ID faces penalties. Minor infractions start at a few days, and serious cases can be years.

    Practically speaking; the game pings PlaySafe with the ID that was caught, the violation, and any supporting info. We then make a decision on the penalty based on many factors.

  • We have 2 very simple rules:

    1. Don’t use any kind of software or hardware to gain an unfair advantage over other players (cheat, hack, bot, script, etc). This has a variable penalty.

    2. Don’t groom or be sexual towards children. This has one penalty; permaban.

    We don’t blacklist based on toxicity or behaviour; that’s at the discretion of the game to handle as they see fit. We ultimately just care about cheating and child safety.

  • Cheating:
    It depends based on the strength of the info we receive. Bans range from a few days to years. It is worth mentioning that penalties scale, so someone caught cheating after a 6-month ban would receive a much longer ban on their second offence (probably years, or even perma).

    Rest assured, anyone caught clearly cheating (without a shadow of a doubt) will face long penalties on their first offence.

    Child abuse:
    Anyone caught grooming or being sexual to children is straight perma-banned. These people will never be able to access any PlaySafe Protected game or service again.

  • False positives occur from heuristic detections, and usually in ban waves. That said, they do still happen.

    To combat this, we have four safeguards:

    1. In order for a game to submit a violation, they have to note what was detected and provide some form of evidence as to what they observed.

    2. Every user has a trust score. How long have you used PlaySafe ID, how many game sessions have you played, how much time have you played, etc.

    3. PlaySafe ID decide if someone should get a penalty. We look at the detection, evidence, context, trust score, and make a decision.

    4. We have an appeals process for anyone that feels an offence is not justified.

  • It's impossible for someone to get another PlaySafe ID.

    If you attempted to create a new account and upload a document to prove your identity, OnFido would flag that this is someone that they've already seen, and we would not create a new PlaySafe ID.

    The whole purpose of PlaySafe is to create real accountability to behaviour online. The only way that works is by verifying your identity and by playing by the rules .

  • Simple; don’t connect it, and don’t interact with people who have.

    In a future with PlaySafe as a widely adopted standard; there is absolutely nothing stopping you from playing games as they are, using social media as it is, or doing anything online.

    You can 100% continue as you are today.

    If you don’t connect your ID however, you don’t get all the benefits of the trust and safe play that comes with only interacting with other people that are PlaySafe verified. But ultimately, you don’t have to connect your PlaySafe ID to something if you don’t want to.

  • Free for players forever.
    We charge games studios, and they’re willing to pay for a few reasons.

    Firstly, we reduce a lot of compliance risk for games studios, particularly on child safety, anti-fraud, and trust & safety. Each of these areas carry multi-million dollar fines, so it’s essential they do whatever they can to safeguard users.

    Secondly, PlaySafe ID users are happier, play more, and spend more on average, so studios increase their bottom line.

  • The short version is our CEO Andrew is 31 and grew up alongside the rise of online gaming spending tens of thousands of hours on everything from WoW (started in BC), CoD, LoL (started in the beta when Heimer was released), and dozens of other games.

    Over the last few years, he started having a much worse experience with online gaming. Far more cheats, hacks, bots, and bad actors. Also, in 2023, Andrew had a daughter.

    The combination of frustration, lack of real solution, and wanting to make the world better for his family drove Andrew to come up with a legtimate solution that could help solve the problems with gaming today, and hopefully one day even many of the issues facing social media and the wider internet.

    PlaySafe ID is his bet to try and make gaming, and the world, a better place for everyone.

Why we believe in PlaySafe ID

The online world is great, but it comes with risks for children

Gaming has come such a long way, and it’s been great to be a part of that journey. But, we now live in a world where digital has become first and gaming is a massive hobby for most children, but the risks of online are massive.

Additionally, games are so competitive, streaming is big money, and free-to-play games break down every barrier to entry, that the epidemic of bad-actors, malicious intent, and cheating have risen to new levels.

It’s extremely hard to stop bad-actors online and to keep everyone safe.

Game studios have it hard. Anyone who has their account banned for acting inappropriately towards children or cheating/hacking can simply create a brand new account in 5-minutes, and they’re right back at it.

There are safeguards in place, but none of them are a real or long-lasting solution. As a parent, this makes for a scary proposition.

PlaySafe have taken on the mission to fix gaming - and keep children safer.

We decided to make a solution that gives everyone a single opportunity; and its not hard. Don’t cheat in games, and don’t abuse, harass, be inappropriate to or be sexual towards children. These are incredibly simple rules for everyone to follow.

These are all simple rules to follow; and anyone who doesn’t is thrown out. Not just their account, but at the level of their real-life ID. As far as I can see, this is the best and only solution to keep gaming more fun for everyone, but more importantly, to keep all children safer online, forever.

PlaySafe aims to integrate with all major studios, titles, and more.

We aim to be compatible with Activision Blizzard, Epic Games, Roblox, EA, Sony, and every developer and title that has a multiplayer or online element. Our goal is to make it so your child never encounters a cheater, hacker, or bot - and to massively reduce the amount of bad-actors and foul-play that they will experience.

The integration for these studios is incredibly quick and easy, and we want to start integrations ASAP. It all starts with you though; by showing your support below and signing up.

Create your account, show your support, and change the gaming industry forever.

Claim your PlaySafe ID and show your support for our project.
By creating an account, you’re signalling to the entire gaming industry that you’ve had enough of cheaters ruining your gaming experience, and a dire lack of accountability to predators.

If you’d like to see every game integrated with PlaySafe ID to offer a cheater-free and safe gaming experience for everyone, simply create your account below.